Pain Science and Chronic Pain Resources
Explain Pain (by David Butler & Lorimer Moseley. Available through Vancouver Island Public Library – in high demand, so put a hold on it and settle in for a wait! Or, order it online – it’s worth the (sizeable) investment.
Recovery Strategies Pain Guidebook (by Greg Lehman) - a colourful workbook for changing your pain, free PDF
Other pain resources:
Read Briony's information about evidence for applied pain neuroscience
Follow Briony on social media for regular posts about applied pain neuroscience and chronic pain
About Mindfulness
"Mindful awareness is paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is." - Diana Winston
"Mindfulness is simply paying attention to the present moment. With kindness and acceptance for whatever is occurring, we practice directing our minds towards what is actually happening right now." - Briony Beveridge
Briony's information about evidence for mindfulness practice
Follow Briony on social media for regular posts about applied mindfulness
Mindfulness Meditations
See also Mindfulness apps, below
Mindfulness Apps
Insight Timer App - A wide variety of meditations are available. Briony recommends:
Breath Meditation – Sharon Salzberg
Breathing Meditation – Jack Kornfield
Body Scan – Elisha Golstein
Being with difficulty - Nick Kientsch
Loving-Kindness with Self-Compassion – Kristin Neff
Headspace App - An entertaining introduction to mindfulness
Buddhify - Meditations for use in daily life
Why is exercise so important? Watch this animated video for some great inspiration.
The following exercises are some of Briony's favourites. A physiotherapist can tell you which exercises are appropriate and most important for you.
Lower body exercises for backs, hips and knees
Single leg deadlift or airplane - Keep those hips level! No need to use a weight at first.
Knee drive - Watch the alignment of your front knee and try to keep your hips level - feel it in your side-glute!
Bent knee fall out - Keep your core engagement nice and gentle
Halfmoon to warrior three - Watch your hip alignment and feel the burn in your standing glute. Use a wall or a table for stability at first if needed.
Lunges - Keep an eye for a wobbly front knee, and try not to let the front knee move inwards.
Deadlift - With or without weights
Bird dog - Using a stick is helpful but not necessary
Low back pain self-management exercises (evidence-based!)
ISAEC (Inter-professional Spine Assessment and Education Clinics)
Jaw pain (TMJ) information
Animated video explaining jaw anatomy, and how the TMJ disc can cause clicking, locking, or pain
Pterygoid release - best to consult your physio before trying this one at home